The team at Your Choice Therapy is here to help with all occupational therapy needs. We provide intervention and assessments to NDIS and home care package participants to optimise their independence.
*Please note the suggested total time required for each service listed below may change, depending on the complexity of request and whether or not existing Occupational Therapy report has been completed.
Functional Capacity Assessments
This assessment and report highlights how ones disability affects their everyday life.
This involves face-to-face or telehealth appointments where we will discuss how one’s disability affects their everyday life. Our functional capacity reports provide detailed description that thoroughly explains the functional implications/ impairments that result from a participant’s disability, ensuring adequate evidence is provided for recommended NDIS supports and funding.
Total time required: 10 hours
Assistive Technology (AT) Assessment and Report
Our team will assess the need for AT and complete the necessary steps involved including trials, exploration of different options, sourcing quotes and report writing. This includes assessing for and assisting with any AT needs ranging from low-cost and low risk AT to high cost and high-risk AT.
Total time required:
Low cost/Risk: No AT report required, may require 1 trial of AT, minor research, liaison and travel, therefore requiring an additional 1 - 5 hours alongside functional assessment/ other OT input.
Medium - High Risk/Cost: AT usually requires a minimum of 2 trials, liaison with providers, research, travel, report writing etc., therefore requiring between 10 - 20 hours. The higher the cost and risk associated with AT, the higher the amount of hours needed.
Home Modification Assessment and Report
Our OT team will complete a comprehensive home assessment to determine if modifications can be made to improve a persons safety and independence. All modification recommendations are made in line with the Australian standards and must comply with NDIS reasonable and necessary criteria and be directly related to a persons primary disability.
Total time required: 15 - 25hours, this will include initial assessment, site visits, liaison with builders, client, NDIS and support coordinator, research, builders proposal, appendix, OT draw, travel etc. The more complex the home modification, the more hours required.
Housing Assessments
Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA) Assessment
This includes thorough functional assessments, observations, standardised assessments and collating other supporting evidence to determine and justify one’s need for SDA. It is estimated only 6% of NDIS participants will be deemed eligible for SDA, therefore assessments and reports are required to be highly detailed. An SDA assessment will involve assessing and comparing a person’s support needs to the four different types of SDA (Improved liveability, Fully accessible, High physical support needs and robust) to determine suitability.
Total time required: 15 - 20 hours
Supported Independent Living (SIL) Assessment
Thorough SIL assessments are vital to determine the exact support a person requires to live as independently and safely as possible. This assessment will outline if a person requires hands on assistance, supervision or visual or verbal prompting to mobilise or complete a task, if they have behaviours of concern, their cognitive skills and AT and home environment needs. This report can be provided to the NDIS to justify and optimise a person’s support needs and the amount of NDIS funding they require.
Total time required: 10 - 15 hours
Ongoing Therapy
Depending on the frequency and type of ongoing intervention, our OT’s and therapy assistant team can provide short-term ongoing therapy. Ongoing therapy is dependent on NDIS goals. Types of therapy we can provide include:
Cognitive assessment, re-training and exploring strategies to increase independence
Manual handling assessment and recommendations
Assistive technology assessments and trials
Activities of daily living assessments and recommendations
Creating Visual aids
assessing your cooking skills and implementing strategies to improve such
personal care assessment and recommendation
budgeting support
Total time required: varies depending on how many appointments are needed/ requested and travel.
Home Care Package
An occupational therapist will complete an initial and functional assessment, including a home assessments and review of current assistive technology.
Please contact us at info@yourchoicetherapy.com.au for further details regarding funding and hours required.